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InGenAche21 karma

Where is he? Has he been called away on an emergency Botox and lip-filler job?

InGenAche19 karma

To be good at anything requires work. To be really good at something you find ways of making the 'work' part fun.

I don't want to sound glib or patronising but there is no way around it, a healthy, long lasting sexual relationship requires work.

My missus developed endometriosis which makes intercourse for her uncomfortable. It put a big downer on our sex life. Her self esteem plummeted, I was not as supportive as I could've been. It was not great.

It took us a long while, while we relearned things that previously came naturally, like communication. The simple act of just fucking talking had become a chore!

But there was a reason we had both wanted to commit to reach other and that hadn't changed.

For us, we developed hobbies we both enjoyed and could do together. Cooking saved our marriage (we're not actually married, but 20 years happily unmarried this August). We became friends again, relearning to laugh and talk over a shared interest. Putting aside time to be with each other was no longer a chore because we had found something we both liked doing together!

We're still working on the sex side of things but it no longer bothers me, which is such a relief. As long as I can laugh and talk with, and hug and hold close the person who is so dear to me, I couldn't give a flying fuck about anything else!

InGenAche5 karma

Does he consider his cameo in Friends when Joey peed on him to be the high point in his career?

InGenAche4 karma

Can't recommend it highly enough, except I wouldn't listen while driving, you might crash from laughing.

InGenAche1 karma

How many times has it identified Saturday Night?