Highest Rated Comments

ItsChappyUT2 karma

As someone that works in construction tech, but not on the VR/AR side... how do you get this stuff on job sites without the guys using the products getting laughed into oblivion by the other trades? I can totally see it being useful... I can see your field mechanics/techs/laborers 100% not wanting to put something on their face and walk around a jobsite. It’s still too big and gaudy.

ItsChappyUT2 karma

Agreed. Software is the biggest component. There's so many softwares out there, how do you get it made for that application. Everybody uses different stuff. And I'm not just talking about BIM models. It's Bluebeam, it's Adobe Acrobat, it's Sage, it's Viewpoint, it's the mobile apps (including the one I work for) for any varying thing they're using that app for (time keeping in my case)... Then you get to the specialty trades and they all have software that's specifically for them. Glad to see it moving forward though, honestly.

ItsChappyUT2 karma

Love it. I spent years in the field before getting into the Construction tech side. The ability to connect field to office via video and to transpose things into your purview that you are building is a game changer IMO. So many times guys have to go back to the job trailer to look at plans... So many times guys are on the phone trying to describe something they're looking at on the phone and sending you pics, etc. and you just don't have everything you need to help them. Flip on video and show them your view! It cuts down on so many conversations about specific things you're looking at. Just seems like a lot of potential.

So how do I get a hard hat with a built in HoloLens?

ItsChappyUT1 karma

You have one more son, correct? How come he’s not involved in the family business?