Highest Rated Comments

JamesLiptonAsks401 karma


JamesLiptonAsks9 karma

  • Your favourites and idols*

  • The thing that isn't mainstream but one should check out

  • What are you most pessimistic/optimistic about

  • The epiphany that you never forget

  • The advice you would've given your younger self

*(suggestions:quote,movie,tv show,book,fictional character,rule of thumb,song/musician,artist,philosopher,scientist,director,historian,author,historical figure,mentor,comedian...)

JamesLiptonAsks3 karma

  • Your favourites and idols*

  • The thing that isn't mainstream but one should check out

  • Most gratifying experience

  • The epiphany that you never forget

  • Your dinner party or most embarrassing story

*(suggestions:quote,movie,tv show,book,fictional character,rule of thumb,song/musician,artist,philosopher,scientist,director,historian,author,historical figure,mentor,comedian...)

JamesLiptonAsks2 karma


JamesLiptonAsks1 karma

  • Your favourites and idols*

  • The thing that isn't mainstream but one should check out

  • Most gratifying experience

  • The epiphany that you never forget

  • The advice you would've have given your younger self

*(suggestions:quote,movie,tv show,book,fictional character,rule of thumb,song/musician,artist,philosopher,scientist,director,historian,author,historical figure,mentor,comedian...)