Highest Rated Comments

Jenkins14141611 karma

If Professor Trash Wheel is the so called "Hero of Canton", then what would be the possibility of getting a giant Jayne hat made for her?

Jenkins1414669 karma

Did you expect the massive amount of questions related to the cliffhanger for this AMA?

Jenkins1414265 karma

Waddup Dicky?
My question is, have you ever released any songs that weren't as popular as you had hoped? Like you thought it was amazing, but upon release it just did okay? Vice versa too, you thought it was okay but everybody else thought it was amazing?

Jenkins14142 karma

I know the show edits the pitches and discussion for run time, but how long is the average pitch on Shark Tank, and how long can the discussions get?

Does production have a set "time limit" for how long a person is in front of the sharks? or do they stay as long or as short as necessary?

Jenkins14142 karma

Hey Matt! I'm a frequent lurker of your stream, and I love your comic

I've always wondered why you're no longer a part of Cy&H? was it just so you could focus on your own comic?