Highest Rated Comments

Joeber1774 karma

His name is James, James Cameron. The bravest pioneer. No budget too steep, no sea too deep. Who's that? It's him, James Cameron. James, James Cameron explorer of the sea. With a dying thirst to be the first. Could it be? Yeah that's him! James Cameron

Joeber179 karma

@PrismaticGames, I'm studying game design and development at the Rochester Institute of Technology. I'm currently finishing up my second year there and am searching for my first internship! I guess what I'm trying to say is are there any internship opportunities at Prismatic? Feel free to drop by my portfolio site here: www.josephcoppola.com

Joeber172 karma

Thanks! Will do. Best of luck with Hex Heroes, I'll be keeping an eye out for it!

Joeber171 karma

Looking for interns?

Joeber171 karma

Hey Grant, I just want you to know that the soundtrack for perfect dark is absolutely amazing. It was what really brought the game alive. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine but I listen to it all the time. I'm studying to be a game developer and your work helped make me want to enter the industry. Goldeneye was equally amazing! Thanks for being such a considerable part of my childhood.