Highest Rated Comments

JoyousCacophony119 karma

For as much as we all rant and rave about this, I feel like we're powerless. The people we put into office keep pushing crap into legislation until they get their way (i.e. Net Neutrality) and it feels like courts are on the side of surveillance.

What can we really do to stop this kind of creep (that isn't just creating mild hiccups for surveillance agendas)?

JoyousCacophony67 karma

This is really the one I want answered! With a few underlying conitions, I'm no longer leaving the house and have delivery for everything. Once I receive it, I end up spending a ton of time to wipe everything down with clorox wipes :(

I don't know if it's needed, or if I'm doing just enough... Would love actual info. The last article I read, said to leave non-perisables outside for 3 days! That seems a bit much and not really good for the food.

JoyousCacophony44 karma

She nailed it. I loved the series in every possible way, but that monologue is truly exceptional and gut wrenching to me.

That said, The Body is one of the best hours of TV ever made (in my opinion of course).

JoyousCacophony25 karma

Government logic that is becoming more prevalent amongst the masses. These days, people seeking privacy and/or secure means of communication are immediately suspected of doing something nefarious.

The governments fear mongering is working.

JoyousCacophony4 karma

Your reply is a bit on the melodramatic side, but I agree with the sentiment. It seems like this thread was invaded by a bunch of people that don't want to actually take a stand. They're the same people that sign petitions and are content that they've done everything they can possibly do.