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K-Murdock27 karma

Wassup guys, K-Murdock aka Player 2 here! Checking in early, ready to read and participate if called upon ;) This should be fun!

K-Murdock5 karma

thanx Flocco! I'm at my day gig at the radio station trying to keep a low profile doing this, lol! but the questions are awesome!

K-Murdock5 karma

ha! i can answer that. Not a 2, but a DLC 3 which will end the cycle (maybe) of the FF series. Next project for Ran & I is Project Dream Master featuring SEGA!

K-Murdock5 karma

i actually can spend hours on something, then delete it like it was nothing (sinister laugh and all)if it isnt taking me anywhere creatively. When i get beat-block, lol, i usually go play video games or watch an anime or something that stimulates creativity or try and go completely left field with the direction of what i was working on. It's definitely a process thats why when i do get a creative wave, i ride that bad boy's crest till it stops!

K-Murdock4 karma

its a hustle, and even i still keep a freelance day gig working in radio which is just as much background as music- frankly, its all ausio to me ;) But its a great feeling to do what you love and get paid for it, its humbling but makes u work and appreciate it more. I had an opportunity to walk away from a solid gig i did for 8 years and try and do music full-time and i never looked back.. that was 2008 ;)