Highest Rated Comments

Karf13 karma

Do you find people send you over inflated penis metrics? We know most dudes exaggerate - do you find they also do it when signing up for your service?

Karf9 karma

Ah, so this is why he deleted his post and user. Lol. What a dumbass.

Karf4 karma

When trying to trade as an individual, there are all these restrictions put on your account because you don't have "enough liquidity" (and likely will never have 100k to toss in there) that the big-boys don't have to deal with. Do you think these restrictions are for the protection of the little person, or would you classify it as the elite gatekeeping their toys out of the plebeians hands?

Karf4 karma

Reggie, besides Altspace, what are your favorite VR/Vive experiences? You down with the shooting galleries, or are you more of a "Look at this whale float by" man?

Karf4 karma

Returns / customer complaints of them being too big would be a metric I would look at for this.