Highest Rated Comments

KeepingTrack283 karma

There're plenty of CS and tech support remote jobs you can get if you spend time at it. In the meantime, try /r/freelancewriters

KeepingTrack167 karma

I'd appeal it, go waaay above her head. The cool thing about Nintendo being so big and around so long is that the contact details for executives are around. Tell them what happened, beg, please, like you said gets free repairs, give a sob story. I've gotten rehired doing it, I've also gotten managers fired for wasting company money (by firing someone for a shit reason when the company had paid to have them trained).

Take these lists, Google each name for at least 5 minutes with various searches:



Consider doing this on LinkedIn as well.

KeepingTrack14 karma

Hi Rick. I'm actually one of the people in your district here in Bexar County (NE San Antonio). I'm reading up on you now to give a good reply. You might ask Regretsy.com for help if you get your Paypal funds locked again. They managed to get enough traffic to get theirs fixed quickly. They dislike SOPA too. =)

What are your stances on The Oathkeepers, Open Carry and Concealed Carry?

I read your site's right to bear arms page and then Google'd the issues and your name and found out that you probably support all of the above. However, I want to know for sure and here what you have to say about those there things. Personally I think that those are very important issues and positive things. If I like what you have to say, I'll support you. I can probably sway my entire family, so if you can count on my vote, you'll have that of my wife and if I talk to them about it and they agree, my Mom's and my Dad's. From what I know, I'm glad you're running. After the nasty, rude manner in which I've seen Congressman Smith behave on camera and his choices of issues (that are less important than say crime, the constitution, jobs and poverty) I have to say I'd support you any day of the week from what I know of you now.

KeepingTrack6 karma

Did you look into his Steam account and what games he played, and with whom?