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Krazyonee2 karma
Thanks that actually makes sense in regards to the fixer.
Ah ok and ya i would imagine it is a good bit more than a simple NDA.
What i meant by that was are you against mercenaries becoming a larger power? I can see how this could be horrible but i was wondering your reasons (unless i am just misreading your other comments you made to other peoples questions) as to why you would be against it? If it is more of a "i cannot say due to long NDA explanation" i understand.
Krazyonee2 karma
thank you for your answers!
I have been reading a lot of your responses to questions on the merc world and your opionion (i do not disagree because you know a lot more about it than most of us) is that the mercs will be a very big threat in the near future. It also (oddly for me) sounds like you are frustrated that governments are not doing anything to check the progress of this threat/danger/change.
If this is all correct i was wondering why you would be against this happening? I would imagine that you like working as a merc and would not mind if the work expanded. Are you able to elaberate on this or is this in the book as well?
sorry what i meant there was more of a "we will tell you details of what you will do once you accept" not a "accept or die" #3 was the die question.
i mostly meant about blending in and not about forcing locals to give you things. for example you have a white dude in a area where darker skin is the norm and it is going to stand way out. Some of the mountaims in afghanistan have places where a white guy just would not be able to fit in and you would have to have someone else bring you supplies. You answered my question just wanted to clarify that a little in case you had any more to add.
also sorry for the long questions. i breifly wanted to become a merc after being deployed but quickly got discouraged over the difficulty of where to go and who to know....that mixed with my youthful dreams of firefights and adventure being cooled when seeing what happens kn the real world and not in movies.
Again thank you for taking time to answer as i am sure you are busy. Me and my wife are ordering the audible version of your book as well as a hard copy so we are excited to see what it is like from someone who is there and not just imagining it.
Krazyonee13 karma
I saw your comment that mercs get used and you have no choice about what side you are on in a conflict/mission. This sounds like they say "we are going to give you 3k for a mission...accept or decline?" is this about how it goes and you get mission details later or up front?
How do you obtain supplies when i the mission area if it lasts longer than expected? If you do not fit the racial populace i would imagine that getting from locals would be really hard and planes or convoys would be a bit noticable.
In the mercenary world do governments ever try to knock off mercs after high profile missions or is there fears/concerns over it? Or is it seen more like a "both of us are safer if no one talks/takes a step"?
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