Highest Rated Comments

Kwotter36 karma

Thank you for bringing this up. Travel because you enjoy it, not because you're running away from something.

Kwotter3 karma

Yeah, I try to do that with everyone. I've been pitied for other reasons when I was down. It was not a great feeling.

Kwotter3 karma

Can you elaborate on what they did to view you as inferior? Was there a sense of pity coming from them?

Kwotter3 karma

I love reading your comments, its very eye opening. As someone who is currently applying to medical school and dreading it, your story really puts things in a different perspective for me. I'll be working on applications with more appreciation tomorrow

Kwotter1 karma

How useful would you say the prosthetic arm is doing day-to-day tasks? And where would you hope the technology moves towards in the future?