Highest Rated Comments

LaronX1 karma

A very interesting condition from a medical point of view. I hope you don't mind if ask some questions.

1) I read though all the post and you talked about getting 'stuck' several times. Would you mind to explain what you mean with that.

2) How does your condition effect your view on the world. If at all.

3) How does it effect you sexuality besides the fact that you are easy to arouse( sry for the lack of a better word). Do you enjoy other sexual practices which are not the norm like Analsex etc.

4) Also from reading you posy it sounds you had both girl and boyfriends are you bi- or pansexual.

Also yes programming kills writing skills XD

LaronX1 karma

Oh I know that brain feel XD

Also Pansexual means that you really don't care if you awxual partner is male, female or something else. It ua really weirde and rare but Ithiught why not ask.

Also.might I ask you one more thing what was the best and worst orgasm you had.

Thanks for doing this Ama it is really brave and cool of you to so this

LaronX1 karma

How does one end up as a professional Adventurer. It doesn't sound like something you study or apply for. Did you choose to be one or just ended up with being one?

Also who pays you and for what exactly do they pay you?

LaronX0 karma

Did you ask the doc if was smart to do that in your age?

Sure you feeling comfy in your body is 1# but you are still growing wich means you could end up with 2 diffren sized boobs just the other way around. Did they check for the possibilty of that?