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Love_Science_Pasta1246 karma

If you could take one souvenir away with you on your final season of Game of Thrones, what would it be?

Love_Science_Pasta3 karma

I take your point but when you mention Fukushima, I'm worry that Hollywood's rather sick love affair with the suffering of those in Chernobyl has distorted your sense of scale and world view.

To illustrate my point, given that about 13,000 people die in the US due to coal emissions, can you tell me how many people died as a result of Fukushima?

Love_Science_Pasta1 karma

Thanks for taking the time to do this. I've read in the World Health Organisation's report that:

"Poverty, “lifestyle” diseases now rampant in the former Soviet Union and mental health problems pose a far greater threat to local communities than does radiation exposure." (1)

Would you agree that the psychological damage to the community has caused most damage?

Secondly, Nuclear Power alongside renewables is one of the few ways we have to fight climate change. Given that coal powerplants cause an estimated 13,000 deaths in the US (2), I'd be really grateful to hear your views on modern nuclear power given your background.

Many thanks!

Reference: (1) http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2005/pr38/en/ (2) http://www.the9billion.com/2011/03/24/death-rate-from-nuclear-power-vs-coal/

Love_Science_Pasta1 karma

If as you say, "nuclear power is unacceptable", what is your alternative?

The article you referenced links to a study claiming that it "might eventually" lead to over a hundred deaths but we know for a fact that tens of thousands are dying as a result of coal and oil every year in the US alone. How else do you propose we tackle climate change?

Love_Science_Pasta1 karma

Thanks for replying. I agree with you, we do need to sort out the waste problem. I have to say though, while no scientist thinks nuclear power is anything near pefect, the numbers coming from the IPCC say that we need it and I'm inclined to believe them. I find it shocking that current reactors while better than those in the ukraine are basically still 1960's style in design. Modern modern 4th generation designs exist, they just don't get funding past running in universities due to the fact that people find anything nuclear scary. I'm heartbroken that people we know are sitting around breathing in fumes and dying young because they're frightened and misinformed and all the while our planet warms and run away climate change beckons.

I say this because I think you're in a unique position to influence people on this given your background. I only ask that you take some time to research nuclear power in the context of combating climate change. Don't listen to the rubbish from nuclear companies or the hype from Green Peace, look somewhere impartial like the IPCC, UN, WHO or even NASA. Thanks again to taking the time to talk!