Highest Rated Comments

Lschmookitty276 karma

Do you still have to report and split your tips with the house? I know that was a requirement in the early 2000's.

Lschmookitty122 karma

Allow me to rephrase that then - in the current place where you conduct business, do you split tips in any percentage with the house and also what rate do they charge you for room/board/food?

Lschmookitty61 karma

I had my brain scanned at the Bellevue clinic and it made no difference in my life at all. I take the same medication and have different diagnosis than just what my spect showed.

Can you explain what benefit a person like myself reaped from the experience aside from the amount of money spent (in case you all didn't know, insurance isn't a player typically in this activity)?

Lschmookitty22 karma

Ok. I absolutely will work in coordination with my father to do so. He helped with all of it. I am now on disability and my life has significantly changed. I never could quite grasp how wide of a gap there was between where I was/am and the results. I appreciate your time.

Lschmookitty2 karma

And.....this is why we don't type with one hand while doing dishes. Great typos.