Highest Rated Comments

Lucifuture25 karma

Would you be interested in joining a group of slightly under a dozen professional criminals and con-men to plan a heist of a casino?

Lucifuture12 karma

I asked a similar question about taking a knee. I have a dwarf friend and I can't help but do it instinctively so we can communicate more effectively in crowded places. He doesn't seem to mind or hasn't said anything about it anyway.

Lucifuture11 karma

It would be really nice if all "hyper-aggressive" people at worst used all caps and maybe had shitty attitudes. I could deal with that.

Lucifuture3 karma

Customizable heads would be a good idea so everybody can share in my fantasy.

Lucifuture1 karma

Myself as a half robot (with arm cannon), riding a T-rex with mounted laser guns on it with half naked women at the T-rex's feet.

Also I bought a few Tri-force rings from you guys that were great.