Highest Rated Comments

LuisERuizDorantes9 karma

In what kind of packaging materials do I have more probability to find PFA's and/or BPH´s? Is it also a risk even in bio-based materials?

LuisERuizDorantes7 karma

Which polymer is the best for cheese packaging?

LuisERuizDorantes3 karma

Hello, what do you think about EVA films to substitute PVC based wrapping films. Are they better? Is it expected to improve recyclability on this materials?

LuisERuizDorantes2 karma

What are the perspectives of compostable materials at the End-of-life? Do you think is a good choice to improve the circularity of food packaging?

LuisERuizDorantes2 karma

Are paper based materials the next generation of materials for direct food contact packaging?