Highest Rated Comments

Lylesanderson3 karma

This worries me. At the age of 33 I was at work (paramedic) training for winter rescues. I began sweating, got very hot and could feel my heart beating outta my chest. Went to the hospital a cpl hours later, BP was thru the roof. 24hrs later I had 3 coronary stents put in and put on a slew of meds. This was 5 years ago, recently I was found to have kidney disease. My life is about to change drastically as I may go off work and on long term disability. Oh and we have a one year old boy,

Lylesanderson2 karma

Can you get me a job?

Lylesanderson2 karma

Can you post a picture of the style of boat you were on? I know it's a 40' boat but i would like to see what you lived on. Thx

Lylesanderson1 karma

I'm an advanced care paramedic. Any jobs like that?

Lylesanderson1 karma

Class 5. Ambulance license. I'm an advanced care paramedic