Highest Rated Comments

MCwaffle89625 karma

What is your best advice to get someone to like food/cooking? My fiancee has zero interest in food beyond eating it (I blame her family's boxed meal habits) and I love to cook (thanks to Good Eats) and try new things, any advice to get her to be more adventurous?

MCwaffle89524 karma

Her mom's face when I say "sorry I just can't marry your daughter because you ruined her enjoyment of food, sorry" would be priceless.

MCwaffle894 karma

Hi from your district, just moved here and one of my first tasks was to get a "my congessman is a rocket scientist" bumper sticker.

Can you elaborate on your plans for education, your thoughts on school reform and the ever increasing cost of education.

And can you talk about your feelings on campaign finance reform? I'm a political science grad student and I see campaign finance as one of the largest barriers to a more representative and responsive (to the people, not corporate interests and lobbying ) but it doesn't seem like there is a lot of support for reform.

MCwaffle893 karma

Do you think the NPR model of listener/government supported media is viable into the future?

MCwaffle892 karma

Thanks for the good news, I don't know what I would do without NPR, and keep up the awesome work! I love bullseye!