Highest Rated Comments

MGS1234V5 karma

I don’t need any measurements as you’d be the best judge of their relative size. I am interested to possibly see how well you can palm a basketball or something of similar size.

Fingers crossed for a clean bill of health on the cardiac side of things, reading over your replies you seem to have a pretty good grasp on your own strengths and weaknesses too. Thanks for doing an AMA!

MGS1234V4 karma

Other than exceptional height and the question a lot of people are wondering but aren’t asking outright regarding your... physical attributes. how does your arm span correlate to your height? (typically people are around a similar height to their wingspan) I’m curious also if the size of your hands and fingers are drastically larger proportionally? One of my taller friends, not much shorter than you actually, was not allowed to swim or do extended cardio for risk of his heart having problems. Have you experienced any limitations like this?

(Posted again with question mark as punctuation was forgotten)

MGS1234V2 karma

Way to take your life into your own hands!

I know you said you have a good relationship, but I am sue not everyone is so civil. Have your parents had any adverse reaction to the publicity?