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MLein97140 karma

You know that guy that is a really big dick, but doesn't really know that he's a really big dick, but you keep around because his dickishness is hilarious when it's not pointed at you. I think Chevy is one of those people, always a dick, but a funny dick when he's not being a dick to you.

MLein9766 karma

What about 80's RHCP like Fight Like a Brave or Me & My Friends with Hillel or Jack Sherman era like True Men Don't Kill Coyotes?

MLein9744 karma

So that's whats going on Vince Neil is leaving and Robert Smith is coming in.

MLein9741 karma

Wrong Trent, this is the Trent one you're looking for.

MLein9740 karma

That would be amazing, but it would have to be done like a campy Spanish soap opera.