Highest Rated Comments
MacTroy2 karma
Thanks again for a great AMA. Have you continued to play CoC through the years? Which edition? ;) Would you be willing to call out a couple of published scenarios that produced really fun moments for you, either as GM or player?
MacTroy1 karma
I've been LOVING Cthulhu Wars, but OS2 has sapped my gaming budget significantly. :) If you only had an absolute max of $200 to spend on TGW, what would you buy?
MacTroy8 karma
A friend tried to introduce CoC into our AD&D group in 1984 without much luck. I remember my mind boggling, wondering how an RPG involving Mythos entities – with whom even passing encounters would surely be fatal to players – could possibly be any fun for anyone other than a particularly sadistic GM. I finally got dragged into a Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign a few years later, and was instantly hooked. Many years (and RPG systems later) CoC continues to be my game of choice. My question is, did you run into any such skepticism (or maybe even self doubt?) about the rather nihilistic nature of CoC during design/production/marketing, and if so, how did you push through this to convince gamers/Chaosium/yourself what an amazing game it was?
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