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Maddprofessor3 karma

For someone with “regular” TB (not multi drug resistant) how long do they have to take antibiotics? Do they pick up the medication once a week? month? A whole course at once? Does it need to be inpatient?

How often do people not follow through with treatment due to having trouble getting to a health care facility? Thanks to John Green I know the cost of diagnosis and treatment is a barrier. Are there other significant barriers?

Maddprofessor1 karma

Thanks for your answers. Having to go to a clinic every day for months would be difficult to keep up with. I’m glad y’all and others are working to help people get treatment and support. And thank you to u/thesoundandthefury for helping to bring attention to these issues and educating your audience about TB. I knew that TB was still a problem but I had no idea how many people it affected until John started talking about it on Vlogbrothers.