MagoLopez4 karma2017-08-30 21:31:15 UTC
have any of you taken a skate to the face?
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MagoLopez3 karma2017-08-11 19:25:08 UTC
is Bender from Futurama the ultimate goal?
MagoLopez1 karma2018-05-18 21:26:40 UTC
what a shame. will he get compensated for getting his life irreparably ruined?
MagoLopez1 karma2017-08-09 15:25:51 UTC
Do you still talk to Stephen Collins?
MagoLopez-27 karma2017-08-21 16:09:32 UTC
MagoLopez4 karma
have any of you taken a skate to the face?
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