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MarvinVideo14 karma

Thanks for doing this Jerry; you and the rest of Devo are heroes of mine and a few of my friends. How do you think the visual aspect of Devo, especially in the early days when you were just getting started, would have been different if you had access to the relatively cheap/easy to use consumer video technology we've had in the last 15 or so years?

MarvinVideo7 karma

What do you think of Oh No It's Devo? It gets put down a lot for some reason, but it's in the running with Are We Not Men? for my favorite.

MarvinVideo2 karma

Do you think of Devo more as an art project or a band? Or is it even worth trying to differentiate?

MarvinVideo2 karma

It's obvious you have strong opinions on politics/economics, and while songs like "Freedom of Choice" have undertones of that, you don't comment explicitly very often in your music on those subjects. Was that a deliberate decision?