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Master_Glorfindel458 karma
Yes, definitely.
I see motorcycle riding in a completely different light now, but at the end of the day I know that someday I'm going to get back on the bike in one way or another.
Master_Glorfindel314 karma
Yeah, she honestly helps me a lot. Jokes aside, she helps me in whichever way she can, and I appreciate it. For example, she does the dishes whenever she can because she knows I hate doing them.
Master_Glorfindel187 karma
Cool questions!
It was a car driver, and he(she?) fled the scene. They never caught him. No, I don't really resent him. I mean I know he caused the accident, then drove past me as I lay unconscious, but I never really gave a shit about him. Poor bastard. Do you think he wonders whether I'm dead or alive? I would...
Yeah, it has a little. I feel like I appreciate how fragile everything is, which is something everybody knows but we don't really feel it most of the time. All of a sudden I really get that I'm just a chunk of living meat waiting to die at any moment. But in a way, that's liberating. Sobering even. I'm in pain now, but I also feel very happy with my life. If I died today, I would die content.
My girlfriend probably. We were seeing each other before the accident and started dating a few months after. Of course, my family has always helped me and supported me, but she's the one who was with me during the worst moments. I really don't know where I would be without her, or in what kind of state of mind. She makes me feel normal again, and I thank her for it.
Master_Glorfindel146 karma
That was my main concern too, but no, not at all. The only effect is that I kind of can't feel my ankle and right side of the foot. Just a weird, tingly feeling.
I go to 2 physical therapies: The first, at a hospital, consists of exercises and electroshock therapy to stimulate various crucial movements of my arm as well as the accompanying nerves. The second is a a gym, when I perform exercises using more common equipment, to trigger bicep and triceps growth, specifically. I have a physical therapists help me do the exercises I can't complete on my own.
If you want more info, PM me :)
Master_Glorfindel4068 karma
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