Highest Rated Comments

MathClown33 karma

I haven't been to TAM, but Skepticon is free, community driven, and always looking for good ideas. We have no greenrooms, people are laid back, and almost everyone is approachable. We are also free. --Micah

Edit: Also, we have plans to livebroadcast the event, so if you can't come to Skepticon, Skepticon will come to you!

MathClown19 karma

Great question! We do Skepticon on the extreme cheap and we all have ties here, so when we need to call in a favor (borrowing curtains, lights, finding storage space) we have lots of resources.


MathClown6 karma

JT is good at a lot of things, most of them are fishing for compliments. : )

My advice for bright-eyed skeptics is to keep trying. Your ideas are going to grow and you will get better at stating them with time. Also, come to Skepticon and talk to everyone. You will find some ideas that can change your mindset.


MathClown6 karma

We are very concerned about about the arson. An attack on one minority is an attack on all minorities. In fact I am actually going to the meeting of the Ozark Interfaith Alliance (I know) about this tomorrow.

We do get some flack form the community, but most of the people who are bigoted against don't talk to us. Bigotry stems from ignorance, ignorance only exists in a lack of dialogue.


MathClown5 karma

I'm not sure I believe you aren't sure that you believe me. --Micah