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MemeGnosis1 karma
Here is my question: are you a communist?
Former /r/coontown mod here. I have to say some of the research on your website is a joke, and looking at your answers here I have to say you don't say anything interesting.
For all the leftists who are looking for something with more meat on its bones, check out the only honest anti-racist Daryl Davis.
Well, there's another honest anti-racist but my research tends to show he's left the anti-racist movement and apparently lives in a tent city with his dog. I hope that guy is doing OK.
The OP intentionally sought out a shit-show to smear the entire "alt-right" as the worst of the worst. You have to root around with guys having psychotic breaks like Jason Jorjani, weirdos like Greg Johnson, and neo-nazis, and guys like Taylor and Brimelow have nothing to do with weev or Roosh (though I like Roosh).
I mean, whatever though. You're a Swede which is basically the most pathetic of the white ethnicities. I won't miss you guys when you wipe yourselves out through self-genocide.
Now that your real name is out there though, you'll join up with the rest of the leftists when civil war happens.
MemeGnosis3 karma
Infiniminer greatly influenced minecraft. Do you ever hit yourself for not making that first and becoming a billionaire like notch is?
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