Highest Rated Comments

MindlessMe1344 karma

Hey Soren! First off thanks for doing this AMA for all of the fans out there. Just had a few questions for you to answer, if possible.

1) When did you first realize that you wanted to depart from the normal combat stlye RTS and go with a fast paced economic RTS?

2) What factors led to the decision to release the game into Early Access instead of just releasing the finished product?

3) Overall, has it been a positive or negative experience dealing with Early Access?

Thanks again for doing the AMA and we hope to see you around!

MindlessMe1338 karma

Is there a feature that you loved while developing Offworld Trading Company that didn't make it into the final game? If so, is there a chance it'll make it in post-release?

MindlessMe1314 karma

Possible expansion!?!?

A multiplayer campaign could be something very interesting for OTC. I'm always interested in playing co-op with friends. I could only imagine the limitations with having a small team, so I guess we will have to dream of what could be.

MindlessMe133 karma

Aww man. I always loved the text to speech dialogue in the game.

MindlessMe132 karma

Could drag /u/DeftMunky over here...lol

Apparently he has already made an appearance.