Highest Rated Comments

MoEnt10 karma

Very Peculiar.

Ha! Sorry, hope you get a laugh OP.

MoEnt2 karma

Congratulations on your recovery! My brother was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. He's only 30 so they're having genetic testing done so they might identify a cause. They're specifically looking for lynch syndrome Did you have any genetic testing done? If so, what did they find?

MoEnt2 karma

He's getting treatment at KU Medical Center and its a cancer research center. His oncologist scheduled the appointment after their first visit.

I know that Lynch syndrome increases the likeliness of having ovarian cancer (along with about 6 other types of cancer), but it sounds like yours was a very specific kind. Just something to think about. Best of luck in the future.

MoEnt1 karma

Thanks. It's hard trying to concentrate in those meetings. Somethings just slip by.