Highest Rated Comments

MrChocholate31 karma

Who was your favourite guest star to work with on The Sopranos, and why was it Ben Kingsley?

(Sorry, your opinion may differ, but friends and I still look at each other and deliver Sir Ben's "FuuuUuck" semi-regularly.)

MrChocholate7 karma

Does it at all upset you that I refuse to pronounce your band as anything other than "Ch-vur-ches"?

MrChocholate4 karma

Who do you feel needs some more attention, music wise? Like, who are you digging right now that we should all be listening to and have probably never heard of?

MrChocholate4 karma

So when I see a bus like yours on the road, how do I tell if it's a bus filled with celebrities and debauchery, rather than a bus filled with tourists?

I often see big rigs like that in town aligning with a rockstar, and I got excited, but then it turned out to be a bunch of people from Japan. Not that they aren't rockstar worthy, but they sure weren't headlining a show!

Save me from future disappointments, Bruce!

MrChocholate2 karma

Shit, I was willing to go to $750k but a mill is just too rich for my blood. I appreciate you letting me know your rates, though.