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MrZIPBIZ130 karma

Hey Joe, I'm a huge fan of yours and for you to have an AMA on my birthday is just a great gift. =D

Two questions for you

  1. I've been wanting to participate on HitREC for the longest time but I'm not sure what to bring to the table. I'm a jack of all trades, master of none and my stuff probably won't be that great. So the question is, do other people feel the same as well before they post? Have you ever felt the same?

  2. The second question is have you ever had any doubts of your abilities as an actor? I want to become and I've had some success with independent movie in development but sometimes it feels like I'm pretending that I'm an actor. Have you ever felt that way? If so, how do you get rid of it?

  3. Kind of related to the second question; how can I become a better actor? I've taken classes and I know I have grown but how do I progressively get better?

Thanks for doing this AMA and I hope you can answer at least one of my questions!

MrZIPBIZ17 karma

Wait, is that the commercial where two guys are in a car playing a game and they notice that each customization option they made also affected the clothes of the girl outside? Cuz if it is, I absolutely loved it.

MrZIPBIZ1 karma

Hey Charli, first I want to say that I'm ecstatic to have you here. My question is what advice can you give to someone who wants to start a career in music?

MrZIPBIZ1 karma

How polluted (as in how bad) is the Chesapeake Bay and what can Marylanders do about it? What are some of the best and worst case scenarios? Also, is there something you want more people to know?

MrZIPBIZ1 karma

Hey Kimbra! First of all, I wanted to say that the Cameo Lover music video really resonated with me and I find myself listening to the song a lot.

My question; will this album have a different sound from your previous albums? If so, what are some influences? Also, will you be doing a tour soon?

Thank you for doing this AMA!