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MyOwnWayHome106 karma

What do “shall make no law” and “shall not be infringed” really mean? And why did they use such strong language if they didn’t really mean it?

MyOwnWayHome56 karma

Plea bargains coerce defendants into forfeiting their right to a jury trial. With only 10% of cases going that far, that right has been almost completely oppressed.

MyOwnWayHome6 karma

Nah. Individuals need protection from the tyranny of the majority too.

MyOwnWayHome6 karma

"Gun show loophole" is kind of a politically loaded term. "Private sale loophole" would be more accurate but it sounds too authoritarian. For example, if you just wanted to sell a few inherited guns it probably wouldn't be worth it to you to register and pay to be a dealer. Basically the same principle as not registering as a business if you're just having an occasional garage sale.