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NGRoachClip13 karma

You're definitely right about the profs being stuck in their ways about certain books or the books HAVING to be hard copy. I worked at a university bookstore along side the text book buyers and warehouse for a long while and sometimes the people actually buying the book can be great. I worked along side one buyer who always pro actively looked for e-copies to bring in with hard copies of books and lots of students were super happy at the alternative. I've found that a surprising number of students picked hard copy despite it being 50-100 cheaper because they "wanted something they could write all over and highlight." They don't care because a lot of times either they aren't paying for the books themselves or they are putting it on a line of credit. Its a bizzare industry for sure but its amazing you guys are trying to make this more manageable and better yet shining light on the fact that what we pay for textbooks has nothing to do with how well we do in courses. Good luck!

NGRoachClip8 karma

It's great to have you answering questions! I've been listening to the Roots for a long time now. Two questions 1. What is your process for writing a verse? Does it largely depend on the song you're hopping on or is it a situation where I hear J. Cole talking about how a lot of his raps were written years before he put them to a record. 2. What was it like working with Black Thought? Is he as unreal live and in the studio as he sounds on the record?

Thanks, you make great music

NGRoachClip2 karma

Yeah not only that but a lot of the kiosks will actually offer way better warranties for people who have their phone malfunction. Rarely will a corporate cell phone retail store give you your money back on an in store credit if you don't use your warrantee

NGRoachClip2 karma

Totally awesome you guys got it! I've worked at a University Bookstore in Canada for some years and realize how bizzare the consumer can be on in this industry. You'd be surprised at the amount of students who came in, paid top dollar for a hard cover textbook when the e-version or unbound (no hard cover you put it in your own binder) version is literally next to it and considerably cheaper. How often do you find this to be the case? Also, I spent a lot of my time at a bookstore located for nursing/post grad med students. It mostly had very expensive books and a lot of people fed me excuses along the lines of "well the information in the books make it expensive because it takes so much to compile it, edit it and copyright it." Is this true? Or will we be able to rent Pharmacology text books at $3-$5 a day?

NGRoachClip1 karma

Yeah you WANT them to help you out. But if you're not under the manufacturers warrantee and didn't purchase any type of extended protection then you are just in an unlucky situation. Your best bet may to see where you are in your contract for an upgrade or wait it out with a cheap phone until your free. Then you can go prepaid and buy your phones at retail price from that point on...

Edit: also if you just bought a new one that won't work take it to the manufacturer, get a new one and learn your lesson: buy warrantee because with cell phones it is worth it