Highest Rated Comments

Naihz962 karma

How old was the oldest person that you ever took a NSFW picture of?

Naihz5 karma

There are techniques that make the color fade slowly, so that you would need to have it inked again after like 2 years. I looks like real hair and only leaves barely any scars if u decide against reapplying the ink and let the color fade. It's called microblading, my girlfriend has done it a few months ago because she naturally barely has any eyebrows.

I mean you obviously must have looked into any viable options already and I can somewhat understand your position against it, but in case you haven't looked at microblading it's worth a shot.

Naihz2 karma

Hello and Thank you for your AmA!

Being in the position to take pictures of what people usually hide from the public - what were the most awkward situation you have ever been in because of your job?

Naihz-3 karma

Thanks for this ama. If it's okay, I'd like to ask you something about the process of publishing your book, as I am currently working on a book myself.

Why did you write a book? Was it something you were always wanting to do?

How did you get a publisher? Did they approach you or did you look for one and apply? When was that, before, during or after writing?

Who did the proof reading? Someone from the publishing company or a relativ,...?

There are so many questions I'd like to ask you...