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Narsenick2029 karma

I don't know what Nutaku is, but you said ask anything so here it is. My 2001 Toyota Tacoma started making weird noises when I hit the breaks recently, sounds like high pitched screeching (bought it used, has about 120k miles but up until now it's been great) know any good mechanics in the new england area? This is my first car/truck and I don't know how to deal with mechanics and not get scummed out of money. Thanks Edit: generic my 1st gold speech, truly thank you dude or dudette Edit 2: this really blew up! Thanks guys! It was actually the brake pads not the belt, getting it fixed right now!

Narsenick789 karma

Actually yeah! Never bothered googling it cus it just happened a few days ago and is more annoying than problematic, I'll give it a watch! Worst case scenario I end up going to the mechanic anyway. Tfw a porn game company helps you fix your truck

Narsenick691 karma

No not really, only when I first stop. Lasts about a second or 2

Narsenick138 karma

Haha no worries here man, glad for the help! Got it checked out this morning and the mechanic said that, best of all won't break the bank! God speed and good luck mechanic-ing

Narsenick132 karma

Just popped outside and yep, they look pretty worn out. I'll have to go tomorrow but atleast it won't break the bank! Follow up question, what is the best country song to blast