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NattyMcC29 karma

To preface this, I belive that the '5G causes Covid19' theory has zero credibility, negative credibility even (if that were possible).

However, only for clarification, David Icke on London Real was presenting THEORIES as facts put forward by the likes of Andrew Kaufman (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xr8Dy5mnYx8&fbclid=IwAR0A207EydJEA-T2frb_Gnhf0cUATVXQ4CVWgZs7bXuNTRKg938o5CEQFAI), and Thomas Cowan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3LgrcDAlJs&fbclid=IwAR1Al1aWuZQMaeWWckuNi-2GmlwwinFfqWV5sCioaKceOaV7khiySklIMws). Which essentially suggests that the current crisis is due to poisoned exosomes and not a virus (which I will not pretend to know anything about as I am a social researcher and not a doctor). As well as other accounts/opinions from individual doctors (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EWQPgF6-UQ&fbclid=IwAR1s8_STguHMcCBlUOTUe2pYdFzlNLBKizWSMk9Krjj6itOyl_003JFy2RE), and the retired president of Microsoft Canada (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbfEDfVfx2w&fbclid=IwAR0uqXVcvtVSEEwzGUgEE55gEqbyG_0eKviwlpklnQBBzRLM0OxgRiym5dw), to name a few.

Separate from the Covid19 conspiracy, the safety of 5G has been questioned long before this current crisis. I refer to these articles in Scientific American -
Both of which cite some of the independent studies into 5G and possible health effects. They do also, as you have been saying in the comments here, seem to have questionable methodologies (small sample size for example). However, I think this speaks more to the need for better independant research, rather than arguing that it provides evidence that are no health concerns at all. The simple fact is that, even with REF technology which predate 5G, there are no long term independent studies which definitively show that that it is or is not safe. In which case, the logical assumtion to me would be that both scenarios are at least a possiblity.

The former Scientific American article includes information about the 5G Appeal, an appeal to halt the roll out of 5G until more independent research is conducted, signed by 332 scientists and medical doctors as of April 7, 2020 (http://www.5gappeal.eu).

Would love to hear your thoughts on all of this. I especially welcome any reassurance you can provide regarding the lack of long term research, and why these 332 scientists and medical doctors are wrong to be cautious.

Kind regards.