NeedMoreLoot2 karma9/25/2013, 7:53:48 PM
Congrats to everyone working on HTRTCTWAF. I'm curious what made you go for $10, and feel guilty for considering the lowest tier myself.
I love the papercraft and nearly built one to let the cat attack, who came up with that lovely idea? kudos to whoever did.
Also will you possibly be writing up your experiences of KS / indie'ing on gamasutra or something similar? I'd be interested to read your experience.
Lastly are you going to be selling the posters (or a variant) and or fedora's later down the line?
Thanks Megan for replying on twitter and sorry if i ask silly questions about sales, I'm a code god, but sales dweeb!
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NeedMoreLoot2 karma
Congrats to everyone working on HTRTCTWAF. I'm curious what made you go for $10, and feel guilty for considering the lowest tier myself.
I love the papercraft and nearly built one to let the cat attack, who came up with that lovely idea? kudos to whoever did.
Also will you possibly be writing up your experiences of KS / indie'ing on gamasutra or something similar? I'd be interested to read your experience.
Lastly are you going to be selling the posters (or a variant) and or fedora's later down the line?
Thanks Megan for replying on twitter and sorry if i ask silly questions about sales, I'm a code god, but sales dweeb!
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