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Nekzar66 karma

What does it mean to be "removed from the voter rolls"

Are some peoples vote getting thrown away?

Nekzar58 karma

So instead of treating the animals nicely, they just butcher them before they take on the negatives of stress?

Nekzar2 karma

Well you should know!

Nekzar1 karma

Hi Christopher!

I'm a big fan of the entire Calling all Dawns album. And since I've played so much Civ, I especially love how Baba Yetu just perfectly encompasses the feel and scope of those games. For me it's not just the theme music for Civ4, but the soundtrack to the entire series and all that it stands for.

I also recently started playing Offworld Trading Company with my brother and we both love the game. I have to admit I didn't know you made the music, but upon learning that, I am not the least bit surprised. The music very quickly caught my attention and I can't help but to light up when I hear it. It's a very similar feeling I get when listening to Calling all Dawns. I don't get happy per se, but my mind feels, lighter? Like unburdened, but not because I empty my mind, I get more focused at the same time.

If I should describe your music with one word, it would be enlightening

Oh. I guess I haven't thought of a question. I'll give you two.

Q1: I haven't found a place to buy your albums yet, so far I've had to settle for youtube, but I would really like to support you! What's the best place to buy your albums in Europe? I live in Denmark, so the shipping is rather expensive from the link you provided in this post :(

Q2: Do you have an idea of what your next project will be? Or is there a particular kind of theme you have always wanted to "cover"?

I say theme because I have an idea that the specific kind of media or even story is less important for you, and it's more about making people feel it more.

Nekzar1 karma

Oh yea I missed that