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OIlberger5070 karma

If the richest man in the world is bald, we’re not close yet.

OIlberger681 karma

Musk got hair transplants, which is different than “plugs”. Transplants nowadays can be pretty damn effective (if you can afford a good one), lots of celebs have had them. Steve Carrel, Matthew McConaughey, look at their “before” pictures, they definitely had transplants. McHale either got transplant or he’s wearing a “system” (elaborate hairpiece).

I’ve read that hair cloning is the next technology (basically, you can only get a transplant if you have enough hair in the back of your head, cloning will let you have unlimited “donor” hair, but it’ll be really expensive). Plus you can keep balding after the transplant, requiring another transplant for maintenance. And it leaves scars. And it’s a painful procedure, But it’s pretty much the only “cure” on the horizon (besides Rogaine and Propecia, and there’s plenty of case studies to see how effective those are), there’s no pill or procedure in the works that’ll reverse it or stop it entirely.

OIlberger380 karma

Found the guy who giggles during science class when the teacher says "homo sapiens".

OIlberger89 karma

Mike Rowe has pretty much become a mouthpiece for the Koch bros., selling working-class people on conservative talking points. He actually speaks out against workplace safety regulations because good workers should look out for their own safety (seriously).


OIlberger47 karma

And I’m sure Musk and those actors paid even more for the top-of-the-line treatment, like six figure range I’m guessing. This 2015 article from GQ runs through the whole process first-person.