Highest Rated Comments

Occultivated1 karma

Excellent points

Occultivated0 karma

The downvotes I find hilarious for the same reason, because it's basically the luddites not wanting to hear reality / truth.

Thats okay, that's their "activism" against hearing a likely future that they have zero power to change.

Occultivated-1 karma

The difference between chat gpt 3 release and gpt version 4 is less than 3 years plus magnitudes of capability. AI voice synthesizers we have today are not "slowly" improving, they are leapfrogging previous gen.

Hell, you have people cloning kids voices then calling their parents as their kid in distress, scamming them out of money for a fake kidnapping. Parents getting fooled by AI voices of their kids is here, today. Not 10 years from now. Couple voice cloning and say, chat gpt 5, most people wont be able to tell the difference between hearing and talking to a real human vs AI, probably in less than 5 years.. but under 10 for sure.

If you know Moores law, then you should be familiar with the rate of technological innovation and would know that the past 10 years of tech innovation is absolutely NOT an indicator of the rate of advancement to be seen in the next 10.

Check this article out:


Heres a key quote that stresses my point:

"“Fast-improving domains are concentrated in a few technological areas,” says Magee. “The domains that show improvement rates greater than the predicted rate for integrated chips — 42 percent, from Moore’s law — are predominantly based upon software and algorithms.”

The article gives examples of domains with 216% growth per year, btw.

Occultivated-20 karma

10 years? Talk about being super optimistic. Or just delusional.