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OrCurrentResident34 karma
My state senator is chair of the committee working with net neutrality in my state. He’s not a bad person, he engages with constituents frequently, but he really doesn’t understand it. Where can I point him for a succinct guide to why NN is important and what states should do?
OrCurrentResident32 karma
Yeah. Everyplace I’ve seen in the past fifteen years, senior women are encouraged to bully everybody and if victims complain, they’re written up as sexist.
OrCurrentResident16 karma
That's a great point. Hearing "this sucks this sucks" and not having a better option is just as bad
?? When someone proposes to loot the US Treasury for the 1%, the better option is not to loot the Treasury for the 1%. Nothing else is necessary. There is no problem this bill is trying to solve other than transferring wealth upwards.
OrCurrentResident724 karma
Do you know about this site? I guess the guy advises people who are painting old houses but there are tons of examples you might find useful.
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