Highest Rated Comments

Oranguthang2470 karma

Considering the odds of you being accused of sexual assault are beyond 100%, have you decided to preemptively cancel this special?

Oranguthang30 karma

Where did the VT shooter get his guns? Would background checks have helped?

How many crime guns are traced to gun show purchases that weren't run through a background check?

Oranguthang14 karma

Have you/can you go outside when there are no other people around, such as driving to a forest and going for a walk? Could you try that if you had your roommate promise to drive you out there and then leave until it was time to return?

Oranguthang13 karma

I haven't hiked the AT but I grew up in rural Kentucky, and you occasionally see snakes basking. They will always run from you, there aren't any aggressive snakes in North America. The only way to have a problem is to run through brush piles or fail to make enough noise when settling down for the night. On the AT you'll stay in shelters every night, so no worries.

Oranguthang13 karma

For a recreational diver, where/when would be the best place/time to swim with whale sharks?