Highest Rated Comments

Origamishi2 karma

Hey Andrew! I love to read, and was wondering- what is your favorite travel book/journal? Living vicariously through other's travel is so much cheaper than buying a plane ticket!

Origamishi1 karma

How do you feel about playing and conducting pieces by historically controversial composers, such as Wagner?

Origamishi1 karma

How do you feel about music and technology? As a classical musician myself, it can be difficult to stray from tradition, and use tools that are so readily available to modern musicians. Do you use technology in your studio at Juilliard?

Origamishi1 karma


Origamishi1 karma

Hi! As a violist that studied music in college, but did not pursue as a career, how can I best support my friends and colleagues that aren’t getting orchestra audition opportunities? I don’t want the job security that I currently have outside of the arts to divide us.