Highest Rated Comments

PKM_Trainer_Tye33 karma

I don't know about her but in this video David Duchnovny was saying he didn't know it was going to explode like it did. Start watching around 50 seconds in for that part.

PKM_Trainer_Tye9 karma

Thanks for taking the time to do this! What's the best story you have from the industry and what is your favorite genre to play and/or listen to?

PKM_Trainer_Tye3 karma

Hey Matthew, long time reader of the comic and big fan of the music! You've answered most the questions I want to ask already, but what is your favorite Pokemon and what do you like most about the new games? Thanks for being awesome!

PKM_Trainer_Tye3 karma

Awesome, mine is Scizor! Also, before I forget my favorite arc of yours was the academy one, the name is slipping my mind though.

PKM_Trainer_Tye2 karma

That's crazy talk, its what made your webcomic my favorite! I look forward to reading more comic strips, keep up the good work! :D