Highest Rated Comments

Poohat66628 karma

Wouldn't it be food that was maligned for being a monster but in reality it was not?

Poohat6663 karma

I did chicken catching in Canada once as a teenager, decades ago. What I saw in regards to abuse over that 3 hour period before I just walked out and walked 2 hours to home threw me off eating chicken to this day. I saw some messed up stuff and it was only in 3 hours, I cant imagine the other 365...

Poohat6662 karma

Your Adam... Instead your fallen angel?

Poohat6661 karma

I lived in Taiwan for 14 years from 1998 onward. I would be super interested in your book because I fancy myself a bit of a Taiwan history hobbiest.

Poohat6661 karma

I have lived in every part of Taiwan, Taichung, Taipei, Haulien, Kaoshuing, Taitung and Lanyu Orchid island where my wife is from. I was mainly interested in Taiwan aborigine culture. Life there was amazing. Now im back in Canada working and living another sort of life.