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Porkins_Policy3 karma

Has Ira Riklis ever attempted to sue you?

Porkins_Policy0 karma

Would we be able to look this up on PACER?

Porkins_Policy0 karma

It was never my intention to harass you and I am sorry if that is how it came across. My name is Pearse Redmond and you can certainly find me online. Here is my website https://porkinspolicyreview.com/

I did create an account today as I have never used Reddit. As I said before I have covered Epstein for several years and am merely curious as to how he might connect to your story: How far back did he and Riklis go? Do they share lawyers in common? Did they run in the same circles? And to me a great place to start with this is in court documents.

You are under no obligations to respond to me and again I am sorry if I have offended you.

Porkins_Policy-1 karma

It would be interesting to see how the lawsuit unfolded. How did Riklis respond to your lawsuit? Who were his lawyers? Is there any overlap with characters in Epstein's orbit?

I have been covering the Epstein story on my show, Porkins Policy Radio, since 2015 and I have always tried to use court documents where ever possible.