Highest Rated Comments

Preform_Perform2191 karma

Which would win in a fight, Luck of the Fryrish or Jurassic Bark?

Preform_Perform1 karma

NN opposition, here. Why do NN supporters believe it is okay for companies like PayPal, GoDaddy, or Patreon, as private companies, to choose what causes to provide or withhold service to, but ISPs, also private companies, should not be able to choose what causes to provide or withhold services to? It seems to me like a double standard.

Preform_Perform1 karma

What is your favorite color?

Preform_Perform1 karma

Does it really surprise you that Google is an evil corporation?

Edit: Downvotes? I want to assume they are people who have a vested interest in Google, but the problem may be more complicated than that.

Preform_Perform0 karma

Did you have to program the most basic windows features such as MS-DOS in binary? If not, how did you go about doing it without an operating system/GUI to tell you what the hell you are working on?