Highest Rated Comments

PrettyYupikGirl50 karma

I see what you did there.....

PrettyYupikGirl34 karma

I would melt.

PrettyYupikGirl34 karma

I am a Yup'ik, which is a type of Eskimo. I am not Inuit.

PrettyYupikGirl24 karma

I now live in a city, where there are cars, and big buildings and trees. I never have to wear my fur parka, and the winters never get below zero..EVER. Growing up we never had trees, cars, tall buildings, and there are no roads in or out of the village.

PrettyYupikGirl18 karma

We were raised catholic, there are also Christians there. And yes, they are two different religions. Growing up we were always told stories of the "big hand" It was said that it would take you if you stayed out too late, and never listened to your parents. I like whale blubber. I am not too fond of the meat. I care about food in my belly, not the fact that they are smart, or pretty looking. I believe that when you are hungry and in need of food, the animal gives itself to you.