Highest Rated Comments

PrisonInsideAMirror385 karma

I'd rather not. My case is anything but typical...I'm male, for one thing, my attackers...plural...were all women, as was my savior, and while Reddit's reaction has been mostly supportive, under my main account, whenever I talk about it, I can count on the following personalities showing up...

  1. The friendly "Can you help me understand something?" guy. He's aware of statistics, odds, and dictionary definitions. He'll make sure I cross every t, dot every i, make certain of every proper sequence of events - which is hard enough, suffering from mild disorganized schizophrenia, before he tries to put me on trial.

  2. The "Women are bitches. Come, join the dark side." MRA cult.

  3. The "Fuck this MRA bullshit." SRS troll.

  4. "I hate your writing style. Here's a review of you as a human being."

  5. "I LOVE your writing style!" Actually, these people help, a lot, but they attract the...

  6. "Does anyone else think this is TOO entertaining?" Because if I make jokes to cope, I'm clearly not an emotional wreck. Let the great "Why is Reddit so fucking gullible?" circlejerk begin!

I take it personally. It gets ugly, fast.

PrisonInsideAMirror280 karma

It wasn't until I found a partner willing to force me to have sex....with my consent, in advance...

That I was finally able to face and conquer all the emotions my attackers had given me. Medicine couldn't do it. Therapy couldn't do it. I needed to go someplace that wasn't safe, and I needed someone I could trust to be with me...

It saved my life. I'm not exaggerating.

I understand that it's a lot to ask of anyone, but please try to understand that rape play is a world apart from actual rape.