Highest Rated Comments

RahmEeRoh20 karma

which amusement park? How do you make so much music? do you ever get "writers block"?

RahmEeRoh5 karma

You're seriously great! Thanks for replying!

RahmEeRoh3 karma

is there a full version of your theme song?

RahmEeRoh3 karma

Hey, Todd. I read your book and i listen to the podcast religiously. You are super funny. I know this is asking a lot but could you please mention me on the podcast and then do that bit where you scream "HONEY!"? that bit makes me laugh every time no matter how many times you do it. just say "Hi RahmEeRoh" and i think I'll die. but if you don't want to it's cool.

RahmEeRoh3 karma

What's the most ridiculous thing you've heard a homophobe say after you came out on the WTF podcast?